Unlocking Your Inner Calm with Vagus Nerve Secrets

The secret to unlocking the path of happiness is nestled just right in our bodies, in the mysterious world of the Vagus nerve. Yes, you heard it right! The vagus nerve holds the golden key to achieving a state of equilibrium and joy.

Simple Exercises for a Powerful Transformation

Enter the world of somatic environments where we discuss simple yet powerful exercises to activate the vagus nerve. You don’t need a fancy yoga mat, just a comfortable space to stretch and breathe. I was astounded to learn how humming, singing, and even gargling could be gateways to touching base with this phenomenal nerve.

Breathe Your Way to a Happier You

Breathing, such a simple act, yet so profound in its ability to transform our mental state. I delved into the art of belly breathing, a practice that invites you to lie down, breathe deeply, and feel the rhythm of your breath, a soothing dance of life in your body. And if you’re like me, always in a rush, the quick yet effective 4-4-6 breathing technique might just become your go-to!

Embrace the Cold to Find Your Warmth

Introducing the “cold water exposure”, a practice that promises a mind, heart, and body connection like no other. It’s as simple as grabbing something cold from your freezer and laying down with it on your heart space as you engage in belly breathing. It sounded quirky at first, but believe me, it’s a pathway to a deeper connection with oneself.

A Journey of Self-Discovery with Ecotherapy

Who knew that the great outdoors could be a therapist’s office? I found myself completely enamored with the concept of ecotherapy, where sessions happen amidst nature, sometimes even involving a belly breathing session with a tree! This approach not only brings a sense of groundedness but paints therapy in a refreshing, new light.

Your Path to Wellbeing Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and healing doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocket. From free online resources to affordable sound baths, the pathways to nurturing your wellbeing are endless and within reach.

I can’t help but feel that we all have a golden path awaiting us, paved with self-care, awareness, and the magical vagus nerve. It’s time to unlock the secrets and embrace a happier, healthier you. So tell me, are you ready to embark on this golden journey to wellbeing? Let’s inhale confidence and exhale doubt as we stride forward on this beautiful path.

Visit the website to learn more  or Email: therapywithjm.com for more info. 

Discover Your Voice

Are you ready to awaken and discover your unique voice? What If you could find your individual sound with a few simple tools? How would it feel just to be a little more comfortable using your voice? I believe we ALL have unique gifts and talents along with creative contributions to share with others.

That’s why I’m gifting the Video Series, “Discover Your Voice” available NOW! These are super short, easily digestible “How To” videos to find and connect with YOUR voice. Module 1 includes a quick Welcome, followed by (7) seven complimentary videos, total listening time less than 30 minutes for you busy people. Watch all at once or spread them out over a week. Whatever you’re learning style, this is an EXCELLENT place to start in overcoming any challenges you’ve had with your voice.

If you’re someone who’s always loved singing (in the shower, car, etc.) and feeling like you want a place to play… this is a great place to do that. Whether you’re an emerging artist, a hobby singer, a public speaker, coach, teacher, author, or doctor. I’ve been helping all of the above for over two decades as an Expert Voice and Confidence Coach. Whether you’re feeling stuck with your voice, and you desire to unlock it, or you’ve been trying to do it on your own and simply can’t reach the next level, you’re in the place. Start HERE.

#024 - What is the Vagus Nerve_ and What the Heck Does it Have to do With Your Voice_


[00:00:00] Alrighty, we made it. Yes, we did. Welcome back to Find Your Voice, Rock Your Confidence with Sloane Reali. I am your host and have a very special guest in the studio. My first live interview with this amazing woman. I'm so excited to share with you what, who she is, what she does. Who she serves and how it might benefit you, the audience.

[00:00:27] But before we jump in, I love my quotables today. This is from an amazing musician and this is his quote, those who are the happiest Are those who do the most for others and I could not think of a better way to kick this podcast off, friends. Listen, if you are struggling to come to terms with your past or you feel like something is holding you back from living your best life.

[00:00:56] Not just a good life, people. There's no reason to be living just a good life. We have [00:01:00] the opportunity to live an exceptional life. If there is something holding you back from doing that today, my guest, Jacqueline Meisner, LMFT, invites you to explore this from a place of curiosity without judgment.

[00:01:15] She's a bilingual and bicultural therapist whose sole purpose is to support individuals with disabilities. Couples and families who are going through difficult situations in life for areas of specialty include managing interpersonal conflict, loss, divorce, trust issues, chronic illness, depression, trauma, anxiety, who doesn't have a little anxiety, varying degrees, all of us.

[00:01:44] substance abuse and other life stressors that can be overwhelming. Her services include, but are not limited to, anxiety, depression, life transitions, multicultural [00:02:00] counseling, post traumatic stress disorder, trauma, forensic mental health services, and more. Her services include, but are not limited to, helping her clients work through these things.

[00:02:15] And finally, when she's not hanging out with her beautiful family, you can find her practicing what she preaches out in nature. Paddleboarding in the ocean, hiking, biking, or preparing for her next 5k. Have you done a 10k yet? No. Is that the next thing on the list? I I don't know that that's in the cards for me.

[00:02:35] I, welcome to my forties with joint issues. And so I'm, I'm trying to do a lot more just low impact movement these days. So Jackie, thank you so much for being here today. Today's episode. So exciting. What is the vagus nerve? And what the heck does it have to do with your voice? Jackie, can [00:03:00] you share with us, first of all, a description, what is the Vagus Nerve?

[00:03:05] Let's just start there. What the heck is this thing? We're not talking, dealing cards out in Vagus. Well, the, the literal translation the Latin translation for Vagus Nerve is wandering, which I think is like a, a, a beautiful. Just sort of, image, because it, it starts in the brain, goes all the way down through our necks, all the way, across our chest, down to our digestion, so the lower intestines, the Vagus Nerve is responsible for helping us to Relax. We're when we're in that flight, fight, freeze or fawn stage. So that means our nervous system has been activated.

[00:03:49] When we've been through trauma or life events, our body is constantly scanning for safety. Am I safe? Is everything okay? Did I hear a sound? Was there [00:04:00] something that activated me or in, the case of Maybe I have a really big meeting. I'm about to ask for a race. I'm going to go before a judge.

[00:04:09] I'm going to go perform. It's so important to know how to access your vagus nerve. Because when we have something really big going on in our lives, we don't want to send like our weakest benchwarmers out there, right? We want to be, sending our best quarterbacker out there and we are our own quarterbackers, when we are confident, objective, and just in our flow, that's who we want to present during those really big moments.

[00:04:37] Absolutely. That is our, truly our authentic self. I love that. Now you described it when we were talking yesterday that it's a highway between the brain and the body to create a safe space in the body before doing anything that could potentially cause stress. Do you have you personally worked with any veterans or first responders?

[00:04:59] [00:05:00] Yes. Lots of veterans, first responders survivors of domestic violence, as well as people who have just experienced, really big life events. Our, our lives are very complicated. And even as children, we don't have much power, right, in what happens to us. And even, as adults, we live through these really horrific moments in our lives, whether it's, it's grief, sadness, whatever it is.

[00:05:26] But I, but I do think that as adults our power is in. Protecting our peace and reclaiming, mind, body, heart connection for ourselves. And a lot of the exercises we're going to be talking about today, Sloan, it's it's not an event, it's, it's, it's a lifestyle. I hope that I invite our listeners to really set intention because I think when we approach our self care, it's not about just sort of crossing off boxes and plowing through the movements, right?

[00:05:58] It's about finding creative [00:06:00] ways to reparent ourselves and emotionally feed us. And so a lot of these exercises we're going to talk about today I do myself. I would never recommend somebody try something without me at first doing it first, I like to take a dose of my own medicine. And so that way, I can guide you through what's effective and non effective.

[00:06:22] And we're all different. So it might be that you try some of these exercises and, and you don't get the same thing out of it. And so the point is just to keep trying. How do you know what you don't know? And rule it out as you go. I love that. Yeah. This is not a one and done, you mentioned this is is literally a lifestyle.

[00:06:40] It is a way of being on the planet. Gosh, Lord knows the planet has changed so much in the last, just in the last five years. And with technology you mentioned something, as children we grow up and we don't know what we don't know and there's so much, we're [00:07:00] conditioned, we're conditioned, and, and different cultures and different belief systems and, things that we just take at face value because an adult.

[00:07:08] A parent, a guardian, somebody is telling us, Oh, we, that's just, that's just the way we've always done it. There's a funny story. I can't remember it exactly, but it has to do with the, the, the holiday ham and the story goes, for generations, right? We fast forward, 50 years later this mom is, cutting all the pieces of the ham, she's cutting it into the square and shaving parts off and then putting it in the oven and finally, grandkid or a kid comes in.

[00:07:35] Why do you do that? Well, I don't know. My mom used to do it and the kid goes to the grandma, your grandma, yeah. Why do you do that to the ham every year? Well, I don't know. My mom used to do it. So you they trace it all the way back and the reason that the great great great grandma used to shave the ham up was because their stove was so small.

[00:07:56] That's the only way she could get it all into the oven. Oh, [00:08:00] I love that story because how how many of us are still shaving the pieces of the ham off? In order to fit it in an oven that actually can fit three hams now, I mean, it's a silly story, but you know, this conditioning and, and, and, I've got another podcast coming out, week or so after this around human design and, and that's going to be a great podcast as well, because it's going to talk about, it's going to speak to this conditioning stuff and things that we've been taught.

[00:08:26] And one of the greatest freedoms that I am feeling at, I'm going to be 60 in December. I can't even believe that I can be your mama. Oh my gosh. That's a crazy thought, but I like you best as a soul sister and neighbor. Yeah, yes, absolutely. We are for sure. Two P's and a biggest thieves we are. But I digress.

[00:08:51] What has helped me at this point in my life, and it's still fairly relatively new, is to when I've really learned [00:09:00] who I am and how I'm wired and I've learned, certain things that I've done in my life and the consequences of those things. There's a reason for that, and when I've had conflict, I, there's been What is this?

[00:09:13] What am I looking for? Friction with another individual or personality clash. Sometimes it's been because I'm, I am, up in their face and space. And other times it's had nothing to do with me. And when you understand these things about yourself. So anyway, more on that later, I want to come back to exercises.

[00:09:30] So there's three exercises. That you mentioned. We don't have to stick with these, but I love the examples that you gave. So I would love for you to share a little bit about some things that we can do or, and we're going to talk about at the end, resource and places that people can go and how to find you if they have questions.

[00:09:46] But let's go through some of these exercises you were sharing. Absolutely. Whether you find yourself in a cubicle, in a car, a doctor's office, I, I invite you to try any one of these. But first you have [00:10:00] to get comfortable doing them. And that's where it goes back to that lifestyle.

[00:10:03] Right? These exercises can be done in your bed first thing, right? So most of us even wake up, yeah. And that's really the best time to practice these mindfulness exercises because we're still pretty much tapped into the subconscious mind. Coming out of sleep. Yes. And We talk about in therapy, whether we've had big traumas, little traumas, creating neural pathways for healing.

[00:10:28] And so much about these breathing acts or exercises is about practicing being in the here and now, right? Because when our cortisol levels are going through the roof and we're stressed and we've got anxiety, we're not functioning in this time zone anymore. We're future tripping. We're talking about the what ifs.

[00:10:48] The whens, all of these scenarios that most of the time never. Even if it happened, knock on our door. And so that's the point of these exercises is first and [00:11:00] foremost, bring us back into this moment so that we can drop down into our bodies and access the vagus nerve. And for as far as creating these somatic environments, you don't need like a fancy yoga mat. If you don't have a yoga mat and you just have a towel, then use what you got. I'm all about accessibility here. Because I, I think too much. We, a lot of us get our hit of dopamine from purchasing things that we really have no business buying or don't need or.

[00:11:35] And essentially we end up feeling worse about ourselves and there's all this guilt that sets in. And these exercises are designed for you to try so that you get comfortable with them. So when you are in a moment of crisis, they become part of like your go tos in the moment. So doing them regularly, consistently it's kind of like with voice, I talk, the technique and method I teach is kind of the program that we're downloading [00:12:00] into our body.

[00:12:00] Just like we download programs on the computer or your devices. These exercises. it becomes something that gets downloaded. And the more we practice it, the more it becomes second nature. So when we have a trigger it's like, Oh, I can go straight to whatever. It's on your in your toolbox there. Because who wants to try something new in a moment of crisis, we're debilitating, and that's just not happening.

[00:12:23] Right? But ironically you access your vagus nerve all day long in the singing and the humming. And so that is just beautiful. So humming, singing, also gargling with water. That's right. I did see that. Gargling. Yeah. Stimulates. Yes. So back to exercises. You can do with a yoga mat or just on the floor.

[00:12:48] Go into child's pose. Allow your head to have contact with the floor. Mm-hmm. , do a couple flows of down dog. [00:13:00] Then transitioning to Upward Dogs, some cat cows really basic poses. Going at a really slow pace, two, three minutes really makes a big difference. And if you are not interested in yoga, which by the way, I I really recommend yoga as a spiritual practice as, as far as being able to drop down into our bodies. It's like giving yourself a hug. I'm not talking like hot yoga, caloric burning yoga. No, I'm talking about relaxing Breath, yeah, rejuvenate, rejuvenating restorative. Yeah. Not these. You're going to have to hold that. What's that one where you pose on the one, one leg?

[00:13:45] Yeah. Right. Forever. Lotus flower or something. Yeah. None of that. So keeping it calm and listening to our bodies. Right? So often.

[00:13:57] We're moving through life and I spent a [00:14:00] lifetime discounting what my body was telling me. Like my body saying, yeah, probably don't need to do that extra whatever the activity was. And no, I'm just going to power through. I'm just, and then, now I'm injured and I can't do, do anything. This happened recently.

[00:14:14] Paddleboarding of all things. I wore shoes on my board because I had to go down through stickers and stuff to get to the board. So I was too lazy. I just, I was wearing my shoes. Hey people, if you're paddle boarders. Well, not like her paddleboard. She's got a very extreme, serious paddle. But if you're a standup paddleboarder, okay, this is just my, my own experience.

[00:14:34] Do it barefoot. Don't wear shoes. Don't put something between your board and the, so anyway, long story short pushing it, not listening. The other times are where my gut has told me a situation is not safe or a person doesn't feel safe in my space. But I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. I didn't want to make a [00:15:00] scene.

[00:15:00] And if you are a woman, I mean, this goes for anybody, but especially if you are a woman listening, watching on YouTube today and I've spoke to this before. This is our body. This is our intuitive self saying morning Will Robinson and I'm a voice coach. So I'm all about, the power of your voice.

[00:15:20] And if your gut is saying no, turn around and go, and, and this is, these are situations where, you know, hurting somebody's feelings. Like this is the thing. I think we don't give our own feelings. Enough. Mm-hmm. , we don't, to the point of that's when we get ourself in trouble. Yeah. That's when we, there's, stuff goes down and we have could do a whole podcast on that.

[00:15:43] Yeah. Listening to your gut, following your instincts, and don't give a flying h-bomb about hurting somebody's feelings if you don't feel safe. Mm-hmm. Yeah, a little seriousness there for a second and, and all these exercises are really designed to connect us with ourself because [00:16:00] our relationship with ourself is truly the most important.

[00:16:04] And filtering out obligation and prioritizing our own needs, that's the stuff that's nobody's going to ever come up behind us and do that work for us. And I know for some people listening who maybe. Self care rituals isn't a natural thing to do, and it might seem kind of selfish.

[00:16:22] I want to challenge that for a moment because I think that when we have. Compassion for ourselves. It does make me a better neighbor. It does make me a better partner. And a more nurturing mother. Because it's like if I can allow myself to make a mistake, then when I see someone else making a mistake, I'm like, Oh, it's nothing.

[00:16:43] It's part of the learning process. We adapt, right? But if I'm holding myself. To some kind of crazy standard that I'm probably translating that angle to others as well. And the self love, it's something everybody benefits from total. And I, [00:17:00] I love what you just mentioned about self care.

[00:17:02] There is a huge movement right now. And I grew up. In that type of a house my poor mother, God bless her, man. She did the best she could raising three kids on her own and horrible working conditions and environments. And what was self care like there was no time for self care.

[00:17:18] It's we got to keep this thing moving. Like we, keep food on the table, keep that the kids, and we weren't, we didn't do a lot of sports and activities back then. It was like school and school. And that was it. But self care, and you mentioned. That was the big shift I had to get over was feeling like I'm wasting time Feeling like well the message I was given growing up was when you finish taking care of everything and everybody else Then you can go do what you want.

[00:17:51] Right? In other words your self care. You're you're the last on the list and She learned it from her mother, who learned it from [00:18:00] her mother, who learned generations back. Right. Right? And that feeling guilt, and shame, and lazy. Oh, that's a big one. Oh, you're being lazy. It's no. Right? We are flipping that all upside down, and it's the oxygen mask, right?

[00:18:16] We are no good to anybody if we are not taking care of ourselves. And I'm a huge proponent, component. More therapy or, and I, and I just want to say, I think that like for some of us moms who are responsible for running our homes and also our careers.

[00:18:34] There's literally not enough time in the day. And so one of the things that I advocate for and it took me a while to embrace this is waking up earlier than my family. Right. I call it like the magic hour. Yeah. Nobody's looking for me, like I have zero excuses to not focus on myself. And then it also gives me a little bit of extra.

[00:18:56] set up time. So the morning just flows easier for everybody. [00:19:00] I love that magic hour. And it is. And that's when my kids were little and young, that's what I used to do. And in fact, I remember times when I would, I have my candle and I have my little prayers, my affirmations for the day, and they would come in looking for me.

[00:19:15] And I would be like, But if they wanted to join me, I would welcome them in. I don't think they ever, ever once took me up on that office. Oh, no way Josiah, I'm out of here. It also, the other side of that coin is it models for our kids. Yeah. How to take care of themselves. And I've got a couple of me.

[00:19:37] My kids are like between 19 and 28 years old at this point. And I have just heard my two youngest, my 19 and just turned 21 year old use the term life work balance. And it blew my mind because Wait a minute. What do you mean? So my, my oldest boy, I'm not, no, my middle boy is not taking a job out in Idaho because it's all work.[00:20:00]

[00:20:00] It's 15 hour days. It's an hour commute either way. He, he's in the Marines when he gets out and he's looking at his job offers and he's Yeah, I'm not going to do it. That's not conducive to balance for me with my life. I was like, Whoa, right. My, my youngest daughter, same thing. So they're actually taking into consideration how they live and I can't help.

[00:20:21] I must have modeled that for them, that they are even, that they even have that in their vocabulary, that they even use that language. If you're a mom watching, listening your. Deeds are not going unseen like it feels like we're just a broken freaking record, trying to share this important stuff that is for their life and one day you'll hear the very word that you spoke, come back at you and you'll be like.

[00:20:47] What? So it is making a difference. You mom, your parents, most important job, hardest job ever. Hardest thing I've ever done. So much repetition, right? Of [00:21:00] chores of the same chores. Nobody talks about that in motherhood. Very good. So come back. You have more exercises for us. There's some suggestions.

[00:21:08] Let's go with I wanted to introduce two basic breathing techniques. Love. The first one is called belly breathing. And so you can do this one laying down on the floor. I'm always a big advocate of doing these exercises and on the floor because it allows you to feel supported by the earth.

[00:21:27] And that is like a, an essential component of, of grounding ourselves. And so belly breathing is just laying down in Savasana. You can have your hands on your belly. And if it feels more comfortable to do one belly, one over your heart space, that's Great too. And you want to have a soft gaze.

[00:21:46] If you don't feel safe enough to close your eyes, you can just, look over the bridge of your nose, but you want to take a deep inhale in through your nose, slow and controlled, and then exhale out your mouth. [00:22:00] All you have to do is keep breathing and feel the rise and fall of your hands with each breath.

[00:22:07] It is incredibly soothing. And comforting and you can do it anywhere, really. How was that for you? I just, see my body is so programmed because I actually do this, that just the sheer, just the words, hand, heart, belly, like I, my body just automatically dropped in. Aligns. Yeah. Complete. Love that.

[00:22:29] Complete. Love it. And there's 4 4 8 what do they call that? Box breathing. 4 4 6. And I, and I can, can we talk about that one for a second? That one is great for, cause sometimes when we're stressed out or we've got a lot of butterflies in this, in our stomach, it's am I breathing? Am I breathing too shallow?

[00:22:49] Am I breathing too deep? And I love that one because it just establishes the natural rhythm of your breath without thinking. And so that one you inhale for four seconds, [00:23:00] you hold your breath for four and slow and controlled release out your mouth for six seconds, four, four, six, do a couple of cycles of that.

[00:23:09] For those of us who have a harder time dropping into our bodies because we just can't relax. That's where I really invite you to incorporate some muscle isolation work. And so that looks like taking a deep inhale in through your nose. And then holding your breath for five seconds and tightening every muscle in your body.

[00:23:31] So squish your face, curl your toes, engage your core, squeeze your glutes. Yep. Hold the quarter in your, in your bun. Count to five. And exhale, flow and control for six seconds. And, and the body has no choice but to relax on the exhale. So that one is one you don't really have to think about. Love that.

[00:23:55] That's a great instant. And I like what you just said for people who really have a hard time [00:24:00] relaxing. I know meditation doesn't work for a lot of people. They just can't sit still long enough to get into that space. But that, tensing up the entire body for five seconds. And then releasing. Yeah. It's an automatic.

[00:24:14] The third component that I want to introduce is cold water exposure. So these are just sort of like, tips and tricks that I encourage you all to try because it doesn't require a lot of emotional labor to deactivate the nervous system. Sometimes, if, if we weren't taught how to regulate this process, organized feelings.

[00:24:36] A lot of these exercises can feel very flooding and overwhelming. And it's all about the props. And so one of the things that I would encourage is to get something cold out of your freezer, an ice pack, frozen peas, whatever it is laid down on the ground, put it on your heart space, have your arms in a, in a tea, and just.

[00:24:59] Do some [00:25:00] belly breathing, deep inhale, exhales. The freezing cold water helps us stay connected to our bodies. And so it goes for that heart, mind, body connection. And Sloan, there's no magic to any of these exercises, it's, it's very easy to, to feel okay for 20 seconds after, and then the grief, the sadness, whatever the negative emotion sets right back in.

[00:25:23] And that's okay because the point of these exercises isn't to, take. the negative away. It's, it's just showing us how to work through the discomfort and then rinse, repeat. If we're waiting for that chapter of our lives where there's no stress, right. And we can, when we get that job, when we get that promotion.

[00:25:45] When our kids start picking up their room,

[00:25:50] they never come. No, you're so right because so many people are living that way. When that, when a happens, then I'll be able to do that or this and [00:26:00] life is filled with challenges. Life is a challenge. And so these are, these are wonderful skills. It doesn't go away, but it helps us to cope, right?

[00:26:11] Absolutely. And if you have access to an ice plunge and you can do a full body submersion, that's excellent that is great, not just for our mental health, but our immune system, our metabolism, inflammation, yes, it's excellent thing right now. These ice baths. And there's a someone in town who does Wim Hof brain techniques and plunges.

[00:26:35] Yes. Yes. Yes. Very affordable. Very affordable. But if you don't have access to that go online. You should, I'm like fascinated of all the do it yourself kits for ice plunges. It doesn't have to be fancy. But also use nature. We live in a place that it's if we're not outside, what do we pay in the paradise tax for?

[00:26:55] Exactly. We are so blessed. [00:27:00] We're so blessed. I I find, even though the ocean right now isn't like freezing cold and it's warmer I still find that effective for, accessing my vagus nerve and also just helping me organize my thoughts. I mean, even walking. Yes. Can you tell us about ecotherapy?

[00:27:18] This is something that you do. So I do offer all my sessions are offered online or in person. But my in person sessions are a little different in that we're outside in nature, either at the beach, at the park, sometimes we're walking. And sometimes we're doing even belly breathing with the tree too.

[00:27:38] Embody being grounded, right? We can't just talk about it. No, we got to be about it. Yes. And so I realized that's, that's not for everyone, but I, I think it's such a great way to talk about really difficult things and have our nervous system deactivated. I'm a big fan of ecotherapy. I'm upfront about that with everyone, because if you're looking [00:28:00] for, a clinical office setting with bookshelves.

[00:28:03] With books. I haven't opened in a decade. You're just not going to find that here. I love that, which I wanted to ask you about that because you were just getting going before the pandemic. If I recall, didn't you have you had an office all set up and you were supposed to move and then everything got shut down?

[00:28:22] Yeah. Is that so did the eco therapy come as a result of not being able to open an office? I've always. When I first started my career, it was on street level meeting people literally where they were at. I did a lot of work with chronically homeless vets sex workers. Yeah. And so I kind of feel like I'm taking it back to my roots.

[00:28:46] Yes. Full circle. Yeah. I did not know that. Yeah. And so I I have always done a lot of work with marginalized people and communities. And I think that that's important. And as far as like the, the pivot in the [00:29:00] pandemic, that's really helped me acknowledge. That what I was conditioned to believe, right, again, you go through graduate school and we're all conditioned to have that office instead of a computer.

[00:29:14] And I just was like, I'm not feeling this. This isn't me. I don't. Want to be in front of a screen all day long. And yeah, that absolutely helped me make that shift. And, I, I understand the online therapy. Like I even just, with my own therapist, I'm like, can we just talk on the phone?

[00:29:33] We don't need to really see our faces. Exactly. So I, I love the convenience. And nowadays a lot of people are doing therapy in their cars on their lunch break, right? So it's, it's all about, how you can show up for yourself. Love that. And I know you have a thriving business right now.

[00:29:49] I know that thriving practice and. I know, all the therapists in our own life and family and friends have been overwhelmed. [00:30:00] Doctors, therapists, caregivers. So for people who are taking care of others, how do therapists take care of themselves. Yeah. Right. Well, shared some of it here.

[00:30:14] You practice what you what you teach and preach here. Through a lot of self care, like I mentioned earlier, I'm in therapy myself. I also do the weird things right that we don't read about in textbooks. And so because I do tell. Yeah, I think, for healing, we got to be a little outside the box.

[00:30:32] And so I I tried to meet with the shaman. I go and do sound bath. Yes. And with the singing bowls. Yes. Yeah. I think you have a favorite person here in town that you see. I have a favorite place out in Ohio. Meditation mounts. Friday night, a little hashtag on this meditation mount. Yeah. And it's so affordable.

[00:30:54] It's 35 for one of those. Yes. I would love that Friday night. And and. Obviously, [00:31:00] if you want to know more about my practice, you can go to my website, therapywithjm. com. Yes, however, if you cannot afford therapy. Because I, it is a privilege to come to therapy. Some of us don't have insurance or some of us have such awful insurance.

[00:31:16] It's like not having health insurance. Yes. But you do take insurance. I do. I do. I take blue shield. Yep. And but what I want to say is You don't necessarily have to be in therapy to be doing this deep work, right? Like you can get a workbook that looks at anxiety, stress management inner child work.

[00:31:36] You can listen to a podcast, Dr. Thelma. She has the coming home project. She's excellent. Tara Brock has amazing mindfulness meditations. Okay. These are all online. All online for free. And. For those of you who want to continue the work in vagus nerve and yoga, Look up Ariel Schwartz. She's a clinician and [00:32:00] yogi.

[00:32:00] And so I, I just think it's so important that people build their healing in a way that, like I said, works for them. Yeah. And so unique to how you're created your design. Yeah. And so if listening to a podcast, and going on a walk and then doing some journaling following with yoga, you can do at home won't cost you a penny.

[00:32:20] Love that. I love that. And we're going to put all of these resources everything that we've mentioned. I'm going to put this in the show notes for you, the audience. We'll have some hashtags and some tags. But this has been truly amazing. Thank you so much for being on the show. I just adore you. Oh, it's an truly an honor to sit with you and just collaborate with you on more of a colleague level because you've been such a longtime friend and amazing neighbor.

[00:32:50] So thank you. All right. Thank you. And thank you audience for tuning in to another episode of find your voice, rock your [00:33:00] confidence. Until next time friends, remember to inhale. Let's do it together with them. Let's do a big inhale.

[00:33:05] Confidence and exhale any doubt.


About the Show

Helping Women Access the Power of Their Voice So We Experience Living Our Best Life–Here and Now–In Everything We do!!

This podcast is dedicated to teaching you how to find your authentic voice, grow your confidence and unlock your potential creating life changing results. I share weekly tips, tricks, guest interviews, and over 2 decades of helping people just like you learn how to express themselves from a holistic and empowered space.