How to Heal

By Published On: April 7, 2022

Our voice is the major way in which to express ourselves, manifest energy into form and as a healing tool for those of us that feel we were silenced, our words devalued, or just not heard by those we feel most connected to. In this episode, we get to know a little about Sloane Reali, another amazing woman from the Women of Spirit Volume II publication released on March 23rd. Sloane is a professional Vocal Coach, Confidence Coach, Inspirational Speaker, and Musician. Sloane holds a Master’s Degree in Education from UCSB and a California Teaching Credential. Sloane specializes in teaching beginning and intermediate level singers, some of who’ve placed top in local competitions such as Teen Star and Rising Star and auditions for American Idol and NBC’s “The Voice!”

By Published On: April 7, 2022

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