We’ve all been there — that feeling of being drained, stagnant, and stuck in a rut. While countless remedies promise a pick-me-up, did you know that the key might actually lie in your own voice? Let’s explore the transformative power of voice and how it can instantly uplift your energy and mood.

Full Range Vocal Swoop: Your Quick Energy Boost

Before you reach for that caffeine kick, consider a vocal swoop. Start with a deep, low note, and smoothly transition to your highest pitch. The sensation? A rush of revitalizing energy! This isn’t just about sound; it’s a full-bodied experience of rejuvenation.

Body Movement and Voice: Synchronized Energy

Feeling emotionally and physically stuck? Integrate your voice with deliberate body movements. The transcript reminds us, “Your body is your instrument.” Whether it’s a simple sway or a gentle stretch, syncing your movement with your voice can create a harmonious boost of focus and clarity.

The Skill Drill: Precision and Focus in Every Note

If you’ve ever found your thoughts wandering or struggled with procrastination, the Skill Drill is your go-to. By emphasizing breath and playful sound variations, this drill sharpens your mind, leading to heightened clarity. As mentioned in the transcript, more drills can be found on ‘Vocal Coaching by Sloan’ – an avenue worth exploring for those eager to master their voice.

The Universal Healer: Singing

You don’t need to be a stage performer to benefit from the healing power of singing. From hums to heartfelt ballads, singing acts as a balm, elevating our spirits even on the toughest days. As the transcript poignantly notes, singing can be a therapeutic avenue even for those battling conditions like anxiety or depression.


Our voice, often underutilized, holds the power to change our energy, mood, and outlook. Whether you’re seeking rejuvenation, focus, clarity, or solace, these four vocal techniques can offer a potent, immediate shift. Embrace the transformative power of your voice, and let it guide you towards a more energized, fulfilled life. Remember to sing, speak, and let your voice soar!



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Discover Your Voice

Are you ready to awaken and discover your unique voice? What If you could find your individual sound with a few simple tools? How would it feel just to be a little more comfortable using your voice? I believe we ALL have unique gifts and talents along with creative contributions to share with others.

That’s why I’m gifting the Video Series, “Discover Your Voice” available NOW! These are super short, easily digestible “How To” videos to find and connect with YOUR voice. Module 1 includes a quick Welcome, followed by (7) seven complimentary videos, total listening time less than 30 minutes for you busy people. Watch all at once or spread them out over a week. Whatever you’re learning style, this is an EXCELLENT place to start in overcoming any challenges you’ve had with your voice.

If you’re someone who’s always loved singing (in the shower, car, etc.) and feeling like you want a place to play… this is a great place to do that. Whether you’re an emerging artist, a hobby singer, a public speaker, coach, teacher, author, or doctor. I’ve been helping all of the above for over two decades as an Expert Voice and Confidence Coach. Whether you’re feeling stuck with your voice, and you desire to unlock it, or you’ve been trying to do it on your own and simply can’t reach the next level, you’re in the place. Start HERE.

Ep. #028 4 Ways to Change Your Energy Instantly Using Your Voice


[00:00:00] Um,

[00:00:10] Very nice. Finding your zen. That is not the topic today, but welcome. anyway, today's topic, we are looking at four ways to change your energy instantly. Using your voice, so I've got four different challenges that can happen for us and how to use your voice to change that.

[00:00:57] So we're going to be looking at if you are [00:01:00] tired or low energy, maybe you're feeling run down, maybe you aren't getting enough sleep. I know we're in a very busy time of year right now, burning the candle at both ends for a lot of us. We're going to be talking about how to turn that around. Using your voice.

[00:01:16] If you have too much energy, which I don't know that's the case with a lot of us, but it generally shows up as a nervous energy. If you're anxious, if you're nervous, if you are getting excited and excitement can be good. But it can also be very draining on our body. We don't even realize it's like an adrenaline rush when you're excited for something and then it's all over.

[00:01:37] And then you feel this this release of energy and almost exhausted after all of this. This high energy that you're holding, we're going to be talking about how to relieve too much energy, or if you're feeling anxious, we're going to be looking at if you're unable to stay focused, some things that you can do.

[00:01:56] Super fun. I've got the keyboard out today. I'm in a different part of the [00:02:00] studio. We're looking at energy. We're looking at frequency today, but I'm going to give you a real simple how to, you can breathe and sing and make sound right along with me. And then, of course, if you're feeling sad or down, and I know that this time of year can be very challenging for people and what you can do to get out of that funk.

[00:02:20] First up, tired, low energy. The first thing that we want to do is come in and move that energy. You want to create some energy around your voice. And which when you incorporate and a lot of the work I do is really connecting your mental brain first to what your physical body is doing. In this case, you're tired, you're dragging, you've got a whole day to get through.

[00:02:49] If you have children, what kind of energy that takes. If you're still driving them around and to and from school and sports and activities, that is. Exhausting. So these, [00:03:00] this is something really simple. It's a little silly. It's definitely weird, but I still use it because it works. It is called a full range vocal swoop.

[00:03:10] So if you have been with me before, or if you are a past or current client, you're very familiar with these, but essentially this is taking that breath. Breath is a big piece of everything that I do with voice. And we're going to, we're going to dial that breath. All the way down into your solar plexus muscle.

[00:03:30] That is that muscle that sits below the rib cage, above the belly button. We want to engage this with breath, breathing through your nose or mouth, drawing like a straw down past the lungs, past the vocal cords, past the lungs. into the solar plexus where you're going to move your hands forward with the inhale.

[00:03:51] And then on the exhale, your hands are going to collapse. You're going to contract and move those hands towards your spine on the exhale. [00:04:00] Let's do that again. Nice big breath forward. Air comes down and forward, moving your hands out. Try that again. Breath in. Nice. And then exhale, moving the hands towards your spine on the contraction.

[00:04:18] And last one, best one right here, inhaling down and hands forward. And last one, best one, exhaling, moving hands towards the spine on the exhale. Very nice. So now that we have that breath connection, what we're going to do is add some sound to that. So I want you to imagine that you are drawing that air and energy up from the planet, up through the bottoms of your feet, through your legs, your hips, your back, your stomach, all the way up through the throat and out the top of your head.

[00:04:50] And then we're going to come all the way back down and end up on the planet again. It's going to sound like this. Listen once, watch me once. Breath down and [00:05:00] out, drawing from the planet. We're going to take the breath. And then what we're going to do is draw sound from your feet to your head, back to your feet.

[00:05:11] using all of this air that you just inhaled into your solar plexus muscle. Solar plexus muscle, power, your power center, where you create from. Sounds like this. Watch me once. Shake all that out. Let's try that again. Nice big breath in. Oh,

[00:05:39] gorgeous. Let's do two more. Just like that breath in. And

[00:05:49] last one. Best one. Really move that energy in the body. Nice big breath.

[00:05:58] Woo! Ah. [00:06:00] Gorgeous. This is called a full range vocal swoop. If you do 10 of those, if you're feeling low, you're a little bit tired, you're not sure, go to a place where you can go make some sound. You can go do that full out. You don't want to do it quietly. Ow. Woo! It's not going to be as effective as if you involve your whole body standing up.

[00:06:23] Now, another way that you can do this as well is you can add some body movement. to that. And one would be that you're reaching for the ceiling, Ow, and then you're bending over, reaching for your toes, Ooh, and then you're coming back up to the ceiling, Ow, and then landing on your waist. So that is a low notes on the ceiling, high notes on the floor.

[00:06:46] floor, low notes back on the ceiling, landing on that last exhale on your waist. So great way to move some energy, to get your blood going, to engage your cardio [00:07:00] vascular system, your nervous system. Trust me, your brain and body are going to be going, what they're going to, is a great way to wake things up a million other things you can do.

[00:07:09] But this is a simple way to actually use your voice to change that energy around. Number two, too much energy being anxious nervous energies. First of all, nervous energy is very normal, so we can use it to our benefit. And what I would recommend in this case, too much energy, nervous energy. We're going to bring it right back to that grounding breath again.

[00:07:32] So I've done a number of exercises over the past weeks. Here is one very simple one where you're going to put both hands on that solar plexus muscle. We already did this a little bit, but we're going to add some sound to this as well. So breathing that breath. Down, let's go back to inhaling the hands forward on the inhale, breath comes in, and then you're going to exhale and release, [00:08:00] beautiful.

[00:08:03] Try that one more time with me, nice big breath in, moving the hands forward on the inhale,

[00:08:10] and then exhaling the hands towards the back, towards the spine on the exhale, or contracting this solar plexus muscle. And one more time, just like that, breathing in, hands forward, and release. Gorgeous. Now, a million different breathing exercises, box breathing, we've done 4 4 8, 4 4 4 8 8 8 visualizing breath work, but in this case, what I want to do is we're going to add some sound.

[00:08:42] Sound. Sound. So you're in a complete relaxed state. Ideally, you've done enough, 10 deep breaths, making sure the breath is coming all the way down into your solar plexus muscle that you are not inhaling up into here, your shoulders, your neck, creating more tension, more anxiety in your [00:09:00] body, keeping this very relaxed.

[00:09:02] Next, breath coming all the way down into the solar plexus muscles. Now what we're going to do is add a little bit of sound to that. So you're going to take the breath in, and then what you're going to do is just exhale humming sound. Something like this. Listen once. Humming. No

[00:09:24] particular note. Staying very relaxed, staying in your body, feeling your feet on the planet, feeling your seat, your bottom in your chair if you're sitting. So try that. Let's do five deep breaths. You're taking the breath through the nose or mouth, past the lungs, into that solar plexus muscle on the inhale.

[00:09:44] Come with me and then release and you're just vibrating sound in the vocal cords, in the throat. No particular note. Try that with me.[00:10:00]

[00:10:00] Staying super relaxed. Take another breath. If you can, this next exhale, you're still vibrating sound, feeling, feeling the air move throughout your entire body. But with each exhale, with each vibration of sound, relaxing and dropping a little deeper in your seat. Feeling the weight of your body in your chair a little bit more on that exhale feeling your feet on the planet Try that with me guys now again This is a remedy one of many if you are have too much energy you need to get centered You need to get grounded.

[00:10:34] We're always starting with that breath work. Let's try that one more time breathing hands forward on the inhale exhaling and vibrating sound sinking deeper into your seat on the exhale

[00:10:52] Beautiful. And again, 10 breaths, 10 breaths, 10 inhales, moving those hands forward, [00:11:00] 10 exhales, moving those hands towards the spine on the exhale. Well done. Number three, unable to stay focused. Okay, lots of moving parts, lots of things going on. This is a great one if you, either yourself personally, or if you have kids, if they're into it, that are really having a hard time staying focused on a particular task or homework assignment.

[00:11:26] I know putting things off. Procrastinating is a go to and we don't want to do something. So this is a great way just to shift your thinking again. We're connecting mental brain to what your physical body is doing. This is what I call. This is a abbreviated version of what I call skill drills and I have hundreds of these.

[00:11:47] In fact, a quick place, easy place to go find a it's just under 10 minutes is actually Skill Drill. On my website, Vocal Coaching by Sloan, on the homepage, there's a [00:12:00] number of things on there, but right in the center of that, there's purple arrows pointing here, go pick up this nine minute, it is an abbreviated version of what I'm going to give you right now, but it's essentially What breath work.

[00:12:13] It's what we're doing here with your apparatus, your jaw, your lips were making sound. But more than anything, we're really engaging your whole body in a way that we're asking it to focus on a certain task. So again, here we go. First exercise. Again, everything you do with your voice, always starting with breath. Here we go. So this is the drill. You're going to start with the breath and this we're going to play with some sounds. So if you're not a singer, no worries. You do not need to be a singer to do these activities.

[00:12:48] This is for anything that you need to do with your voice or just to get your energy and your body to be able to focus. This is a fun way to do it. We're going to start with what I call a [00:13:00] just a single note. We're gonna hold right there. So you're gonna take a breath. You're gonna stay really relaxes when I call a low part of your body.

[00:13:08] Got one voice, three vicinities, low, mid high. This isn't that low range. So you're gonna take a breath. We're gonna hum that note the way we just did.

[00:13:24] You're going to take another breath. Once you've exhausted, that breath is gone. You're going to take another breath. We're going to do what I call a five note scale. We're going to drop our jaw for this. The sensation at your throat is going to be Get rid of all that breath, take another breath to the descent.

[00:13:41] Good, let's do another one together. First breath, hold the note, ah, or hum that a lot of vibration, I'm feeling it in my sinuses, your mouth, your jaw, your throat, your solar plexus Once that breath is gone, take another [00:14:00] breath in that solar plexus area, drop your jaw, open, ah Get rid of all that air, empty that out of your body, take a second breath. Good, we're going to do a few more, new shape here, O is the vowel.

[00:14:15] Start with the hum first, find that sensation in your body. New shape is O, start with the inhale, moving the hand forward.

[00:14:27] Get rid of that breath, expel all that air, hold that note. Very nice. Once that breath is gone, another breath, Oh, get rid of all that air. Very nice. And last one. Here's your note. Take the breath. Skill drill 101. Hum that note with me. All one breath.

[00:14:58] E is the new shape, but we're going to place [00:15:00] it out in front. E, forwardly placed ee. Some of you might be up there in that falsetto. Get rid of all that breath. We've crossed through the break. Whole other chapter on all that business. Ee, ee, Very nice. Total abbreviated version. So much more to go with that.

[00:15:22] But again, this is a way to help yourself get focused. Stay focused. You have to do a project or a presentation or something you really are procrastinating and not excited to do. This is one way to get you focused and ready to go do that. Last thing, number four, so you've got one. If you're tired, Low energy vocal swoops.

[00:15:43] Oh, wow. Very nice. Too much energy, anxious breathing and grounding. We've talked about how to breathe. You don't want to be breathing up here, creating more tension, keeping all of this relaxed, [00:16:00] drawing that breath all the way down in that solar plexus, feeling your. Feet on the planet, feeling your weight in your seat, unable to stay focused.

[00:16:08] Number three, how to use your voice to change that energy. This is just a very short, what I call skill drill. More on that on the website. You can go find that you download it right on your phone. Something you can take in your car. You put it in a. and a voice memo. You can carry that with you in your pocket and have it on hand for anything that you need to get your voice warmed up for whatever you're going to be doing with it.

[00:16:31] And the last one, number four, feeling down, feeling sad, feeling a little low, blues got you down. My recommendation sing sing anything, hum, make up your own songs, go turn on your favorite songs, wherever you keep your music on your your playlists, your Spotify, your iTunes, go turn it up really loud and just And [00:17:00] Sing.

[00:17:00] Singing is so incredibly healing. Music itself, incredibly healing, very cathartic very helpful, again, for moving energy out of the body. And I assure you singing something that is uplifting, something that is positive. Now, sometimes, and I do have clients. who really like those slow, sad, really big ballads.

[00:17:29] And they do struggle with emotional stuff, maybe some depression in there. And I'm not saying, don't go see your doctor or if you take medication for any of these conditions, don't stop taking your medicine. I'm saying these are additional fun things that you can do that might help get you out of that funk.

[00:17:46] And sometimes, Singing those big ballads. I have a particular client. She loves these songs. She does struggle with her own anxiety, depression, a lot of different issues going on. But when she goes to sing these big sad ballads, [00:18:00] they actually help shift her mood. And it really is connected to what is going on in the body, right?

[00:18:06] You're engaging the nervous system. You're engaging your cardiovascular system. When you're singing, you have, you can't do those songs. Big songs without air in the body. We need that air. So whatever you've got going on, if you just need a quick change of state, these are some really simple, quick, fun ways to change your state instantly using your voice for more information, where to go, where to find me the website, the YouTube vocal coaching by Sloan.

[00:18:37] All you ladies in the house. Find your voice. Rock your confidence. We are still building that group. Lots of great things going on over there and all of that to say. Everybody have an amazing rest of your day. I hope you found this useful and please reach out if you have any questions or want to know more.


About the Show

Helping Women Access the Power of Their Voice So We Experience Living Our Best Life–Here and Now–In Everything We do!!

This podcast is dedicated to teaching you how to find your authentic voice, grow your confidence and unlock your potential creating life changing results. I share weekly tips, tricks, guest interviews, and over 2 decades of helping people just like you learn how to express themselves from a holistic and empowered space.