Imagine living in a world constantly buzzing with activity. A place where we’re often urged to shout our worth from the rooftops. This narrative, friends, is where Human Design enters, promising a blueprint to decode our inner workings. 

Ego, Voice, and Human Design

We live in a generator world of doingand busyness. A significant chunk of humanity has defined egos. It’s that pesky source of self-worth, confidence, commitment, and (ahem) willpower. However, let’s not fall for the world’s charade of conflating loudness with confidence. Instead, let’s dig deeper.

Voice and Healing: Two Peas in a Pod

Voice isn’t just about sound or speech. So much of vocal work is akin to healing. It’s about support, love, and understanding one’s inner core. It’s an art, really. How we use our voice can determine the kind of energy we project, and Human Design can be our  guide.

Rebirth and Transformation

Ten months. That’s all it took for a complete personal metamorphosis. Reflect on this: in less than a year, one could give birth to a renewed self. We all could harness the power of understanding our design to reinvent our interactions and amplify our voices.

So, with all these revelations: How will you harness your human design to propel your voice? How will you channel your inner energy and amplify your message to the world? Your voice is a powerhouse. Let’s help it soar.


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Head over and give a listen to the Podcast “To Be Authentic, with Stacey Estrella” available on all music and streaming platforms

Discover Your Voice

Are you ready to awaken and discover your unique voice? What If you could find your individual sound with a few simple tools? How would it feel just to be a little more comfortable using your voice? I believe we ALL have unique gifts and talents along with creative contributions to share with others.

That’s why I’m gifting the Video Series, “Discover Your Voice” available NOW! These are super short, easily digestible “How To” videos to find and connect with YOUR voice. Module 1 includes a quick Welcome, followed by (7) seven complimentary videos, total listening time less than 30 minutes for you busy people. Watch all at once or spread them out over a week. Whatever you’re learning style, this is an EXCELLENT place to start in overcoming any challenges you’ve had with your voice.

If you’re someone who’s always loved singing (in the shower, car, etc.) and feeling like you want a place to play… this is a great place to do that. Whether you’re an emerging artist, a hobby singer, a public speaker, coach, teacher, author, or doctor. I’ve been helping all of the above for over two decades as an Expert Voice and Confidence Coach. Whether you’re feeling stuck with your voice, and you desire to unlock it, or you’ve been trying to do it on your own and simply can’t reach the next level, you’re in the place. Start HERE.

Ep #025 - What is Human Design and How to use it to Propel Your Voice Forward [Video]



[00:00:10] Alrighty. Wow. Welcome back to find your voice, rock your confidence. I am your host Sloane Reali. And friends, wherever you are right now, if you are listening to this in your car at home, all you ladies, moms doing your laundry and dishes, getting those kids out to the wherever, if you're watching this on YouTube, I just, I have to preface and begin by saying today is an extra special day with an.

[00:00:40] Extra special guest. You're going to learn more about her all about her in just a moment before we jump in my quotables. I love my quotables and I love this little book. I can't remember. Somebody gave me this as a gift. Oh, yes. You are amazing. Today's quote. [00:01:00] Go boldly and honestly through the world.

[00:01:04] Learn to love the fact that there is nobody else quite like you. And that is by Daniel Radcliffe, the Harry Potter, Harry Potter for days, Daniel Radcliffe, and I love that we started with this quote because today is all about you, the audience, whether you're watching, whether you're listening, you, the audience today, my intention for today's podcast actually is that you're going to take away some really critical pieces Of learning how to love the fact that there is nobody else like you.

[00:01:42] There is only one of you. You are unique in every way. And I have an expert in this stuff who, she's gonna dial it in and you just, I'm so excited. This young lady, Stacey. Estrella. I've known [00:02:00] her all my life. She is my little sister. I might start crying. What we are doing here today, I just, I just have to say, and you can laugh, Stacy.

[00:02:11] It's okay. You don't have to hold that laugh in. I have to preface this by saying that, our life growing up together, lots of stuff. Every family's got their stuff, but this work that we are sharing with you today, Is the reason that she and I are as close as we are. I mean, there's so in one year I began this journey.

[00:02:37] We're going to share with you. I began exactly one year ago today, last year, and she has coached me and she has held my hand and talked me off the ledge. I cannot tell you how many times she is smarter than smart. The girl is brilliant. Let me tell you a little bit about her, my little sister. Stacey is a [00:03:00] graduate of Stanford University and the Harvard Business School.

[00:03:03] Prior to founding Humanifesto Studios in 2013, she was a principal at SY Partners, where she specialized in helping CEOs and their teams discover and articulate hard to tell, high stakes stories for their audiences. Say that three times really fast. Try it. I dare you. She was the CEO of Pogo Pet, a pet wellness and community site that was recognized by Forbes Best of the Web for four consecutive season, people.

[00:03:31] She was one, this is one of my most favorite highlights about my sister. She was one of 15 designer finalists on the third season of Bravo TV's Project Runway. Today, Stacy is a soul aligned life coach working with enlightened leaders and leadership teams.

[00:03:46] She uses the tools of human design, the gene keys, and the work of Katie Byron to help people. Byron Katie. I'm sorry. It's she tools of human design, the gene keys and the work of Byron Katie [00:04:00] to help people create and live their authentic soul aligned life and leadership code. She is the co founder of tobeauthentic. co and author of the quantum way, a coaching methodology and platform for individuals, duos and teams who want to lead with integrity, deepen their partnerships or build more productive and empowered teams.

[00:04:21] She shares her observations and insights about these topics on her own weekly podcast to be authentic with Stacey Estrella. And you can learn more about her services and offers at tobeauthentic. co. So first to kick off, I feel like we're like already like net deep into this conversation already.

[00:04:42] But can you first explain and define for the audience what the heck is human design? I love that. First of all, thank you so much for inviting me to be here. I guess on your show and I've been [00:05:00] following you since you launched and each week it just gets better and better. And I just feel so fortunate to be part of your message.

[00:05:08] And I love that opening quote because it really is about what makes each of us special and unique and why we are each here to fulfill some individual purpose. So, human design, the way to think about this, and it's a fairly new science, okay?

[00:05:25] Human design, the way I think of it, is the secret on steroids, alright? Which is all about the energy or law of attraction. What human design offers you is a personalized blueprint based on your birth data, on how you're built, and the operating system or instruction manual to unlock both your superpowers and navigate your kryptonite.

[00:05:48] So it basically tells you where your strengths are natively that you were brought into this world to express and where you might be vulnerable or, or have to be on the lookout for things [00:06:00] like conditioning. Shadow energy, areas where you're going to be less, feel less empowered, okay? And the thing that I like to talk about with human design is what makes it different from any other personality, personality assessment tool out there is that it cannot be corrupted by the mind.

[00:06:24] So your design is your design for the entirety of your, and you can either choose. to get to know it and work with it, or you can choose to ignore it and run the risk of not living your best, fullest life, or the highest expression of who you're here to be. All of these other tools, while they can be helpful, When they rely on surveys for your mind to answer one way or another, your mind is actually coming in and telling you what it wants [00:07:00] you to believe about yourself.

[00:07:02] It's not necessarily who you truly are, which is why when people feel like they're doing all the right things in their life, but they're still unhappy, This is because the mind has convinced them out of fear, insecurity, what have you, the ego to choose one thing when the other would be more appropriate for you.

[00:07:23] I'll pause there. I don't know if you have, am I losing you? Yeah, no, it's just, this is just triggering so many thoughts for me. A for example an article just came out. That was shared with me by a CEO and the article is about people that are operating at that level of business and it's all about they're suffering mental health, like they've, they've achieved and they've invested, millions [00:08:00] and they've built these huge organizations.

[00:08:02] And at one point. There's even a conversation with, with my husband this morning, there was a point in all of these people's lives where they were on fire. And I don't know, how much age is related to all of this. I don't know how much, the awakening is related to, as we're getting older and we're looking back and going, damn, that was a lot of stress and it was a lot of work and it was a lot of sacrifice.

[00:08:27] And so basically this article is saying there is a level. Where people are finally taking note what this does to not just our mind, our physical body, our health, our what is the price? I think what the article is really highlighting is the price that we've been paying to be, to operate in these things that have been conditioned in us early on.

[00:08:56] You're, you are a perfect example of that. You were always so [00:09:00] smart. I remember, growing up, for you, the audience, I was, always out, social getting in trouble. And Stacy was tried and true, man. She had her nose in the books all the time.

[00:09:11] She was like straight triple a student. You heard . Her bio, Harvard, Stanford and trying to, live according to that and then realizing so much later and you can hear her story. We have another podcast. I'll put that in the show notes of previous podcast. But anyway, I, I digress on that.

[00:09:29] You, I'm so glad that you figured out what works for your design. And now you are truly living and operating and the corporate thing, even though you did that. And you were in that. It wasn't feeding your soul. It wasn't making you happy, right? You had the, you had the career, you had the money, but it's like there is something missing that is really important.

[00:09:50] And I'm so grateful that you found it because we, we've kind of have found this together and it is truly transformative. Like my life, our life, my [00:10:00] life is so different even from one year ago, just from 12 months ago. Now I'm operating on the planet personally, professionally with my family, with my clients.

[00:10:11] I am not the same person. It is so exciting. So yeah, there's that conflict, the brain, the mind versus our design. Well, we're brought into this world to think our mind has the answer. That's what's, that's how we're socialized and, and that's, that's the problem is that our minds are great allies, but they don't actually know what's correct for us.

[00:10:38] And so. What human design offers and, and what happens when you get your chart is, you're going to see there are all these layers, there are all these layers of human design and the gene keys and all of these different related sciences that are based on your birth data. There's the mandala, there's the zodiac, there's the four quarters, there's the 384 lines of the I Ching, there's the 64 [00:11:00] gate activations, there's the planet coordinates.

[00:11:02] But the things that matter most and the way I think about your human design chart is, It is an astrological chart, but one that is actionable and empowering. So if you've ever had your natal chart done in astrology, there are a lot of things that feel familiar, but there's not really an instruction manual to go along with it that allows you to make smart decisions.

[00:11:25] Okay. What you get from human design, from your human design chart. If you do nothing else but have a reading and learn what your definition is, and this has to do with the nine energy centers, so unlike the chakras which are seven centers, there are nine energy centers that each correspond to a different type of energy that, that is being processed or metabolized or expressed in the world, okay?

[00:11:50] And when you get your human design chart based on all of the planet activations, you will see which of those centers are. Filled in with color, which [00:12:00] means they're defined. This is where you have fixed, reliable energy, and access to a certain way of showing up.

[00:12:07] This is what you bring into the world, okay? Where you are undefined, meaning there's, the centers are, are clear. Where you are undefined is where you are here to grow wise. But it's also the areas where you are going to be most vulnerable to conditioning from other people's definition. Okay? So, the most important thing to take away from your human design chart is your auric energy type.

[00:12:36] Are you a projector? Are you a manifester? These are very, very different energies. It's the way that your energy is expressed in the world that's natural for you. There's, it's also important for you to know how it affects others, how it feels to you, because how you use that energy in the world is how you meet resistance or dissolve it.

[00:12:59] [00:13:00] Okay. Which way do you want to go through the world? Fighting, bumping into people, bumping into resistance, or flowing. That's fighting or flowing. And what you also get from that definition is you figure out what your decision making authority is, which is your embodied sense. It's your higher intelligence.

[00:13:20] that knows what is correct for you. It's, it's other worldly. It truly is. And it's where you feel your authority in your body, not in your mind. And that's the game changer that changes everything. Anyway, back to you. Amazing. And that's what has changed for me in the last literal 12 months is understanding my auric type and my decision, how I make decisions.

[00:13:48] Can you really quick, can you just touch on The five different energy types just like a Reader's Digest version so the audience can get a better understanding of what the heck we're talking [00:14:00] about. Absolutely. And what I want to do is put that in the context of the Throat Center. Okay. Yes. Which I love.

[00:14:11] Yes, please. Which I love because this is your specialty and every time I think about your story, your mythology, because that's also what's in these charts, right? It's our mythology, our journey, why we're here what I love about the Throat Center that you hear when you start to take courses and dive into this world of human design, all roads lead to the throat.

[00:14:35] Okay? The throat is the is the center all manifestation. All right. Words and actions. and so what I like to think about in the context of your vocal coaching practice and what it is, how you serve your clients and how you're supporting them for people [00:15:00] to know how powerful their throat is and to be able to work with that.

[00:15:05] in their design will be a game changer for them. And so let me just talk through those different energy, energy types, okay? So the first one, which I think will benefit, well, they will all benefit from vocal coaching. And by the way, this is not, this is not a plug. I didn't come in here to plug your business, but as I was preparing, I, again, I was kind of mind boggled of the connection between the throat as the center of manifestation and how it can help each one of these energy types.

[00:15:35] The first energy type is the manifestor and the manifestors source of power, it is their voice. Okay. That is the source of their power in expressing a desire or a vision. That is where their power is. Now, if you're not comfortable with your energy as a manifester because it feels too big and overwhelming or you've been shut down, [00:16:00] conditioned to shut down and swallow your voice and make yourself small because others couldn't handle it, vocal coaching is the perfect way to open that up and start to live into that space, okay, into that power and reclaim it.

[00:16:16] The generators and manifesting generators. Technically, they are considered a single type. I know this is, this is the doctrine from International Human Design School, but a lot of people consider them two separate types, and the way to really operate with them, it really helps to draw distinction.

[00:16:35] Generators are the perfect students, okay? But their challenge is actually putting up boundaries. So generators have a source of energy when they're doing what they love. It, that lights them up. They have no problem focusing and going through all the steps and and, and being productive and having something at the end to, to be proud of.

[00:16:55] Manifesting generators are a little twist on that. They're a hybrid of [00:17:00] generator and manifesting generators are very spontaneous. Their challenge could be discipline and focus. So I share all these things Sloan also in this context because we've not had this conversation around vocal coaching, but it's like how interesting to know the different energy types and how to work with them in a vocal coaching context.

[00:17:21] So now let's talk about the projector. You are a an ego projected projector and we're going to get into your design in a minute because. It's fascinating what you have done with your design and your life, right? How you're expressing the highest form of who you are and who you came into this world to be.

[00:17:41] Projectors are they are the guides. So projectors are this deep absorbing energy that works very well one on one. So again, Sloan, you're a projector. You're very good, deeply coaching one on one with people who, who you can, [00:18:00] your aura is very penetrating in them. But it can also be very, Triggering. If people don't want to be penetrated, if they don't want to have that piercing awareness entering them, right?

[00:18:14] So the projectors can really see very deeply into the other. And then finally we have the reflectors who have no definition, okay? They, every center is open. Sandra Bullock, by the way, is a, is a reflector. So not that that's super helpful in terms of context, but what's interesting in terms of doing the vocal coaching it's, is they operate with a lunar cycle.

[00:18:39] So they have a definition and based on the 28 or 29 days cycle of the moon. There are different activations that are predictable in that cycle that light up different parts of their charts. And so for them, they really need to see and understand who they are on any given day, right? Because one day they could be really primed [00:19:00] for manifester activity, or really primed for generator activity, or manifesting generator, or what have you.

[00:19:07] It changes. So, it changes, yeah. And And then I wanted to just, before I turn it back to you, I wanted to talk a little bit about the context of these energy centers and how your energy flows with respect to your throat. Okay? Because I, this is so important. So when I think of my, so I, I am what's called a manifesting generator, sacral manifesting generator.

[00:19:33] Sacral is my authority. I have a direct connection between my sacral power center, my creative center, and my throat. So immediately when I have a desire or I'm pulled to something, I want to express it. And I have that twice in my chart. It moves very, very fast. My business partner is a splenic projector.

[00:19:52] She needs two gates or a channel to connect to a throat. She does not have a defined throat like you, Sloan. Her throat is not [00:20:00] defined. So she needs to rely on someone else's energy. to, she can lean on that to express through her throat. So when she's around me, she's much more empowered through my energy to express what she has to offer.

[00:20:17] And it's not like she's totally dependent and kind of just stuck there. Yeah, no, it's more like a puzzle. This whole thing. It's like a puzzle. And it was you helped me to realize. So, I have three children. If you are new to the podcast and you're still getting to know who I am and what I'm about. My youngest is my only daughter and I just I mean, I love all my kids.

[00:20:44] They're all amazing. They're creative. They're intelligent. They're all flying. They're doing amazing things already in the world. But this little girl from birth has just been this little ball. She's like, she literally is my mini me. Like, I enjoy being with her. Now she makes me [00:21:00] crazy sometimes too. She didn't get my clean jean.

[00:21:02] I don't know what that's about. I got the clean jean, so she doesn't have to have the clean jean. There's a great example right there, right? She doesn't have to worry about the, keeping things neat and tidy because mom's got that piece covered, but just energetically. And when you look at our two design charts, if you were to lay them down, Almost completely.

[00:21:20] You've got her chart and stuff that's colored in is an empty spot. So, so her colored in parts, if you look at my chart are not colored in and vice versa, where I'm colored in, she's. She's open and then these, these lines where my lines stop, her lines start. So it literally is a, a, like, like a puzzle piece where we complete one another.

[00:21:46] And and my kids don't know about any of this, this stuff yet. I like, I've sent them their charts and I've, this is really cool. Check it out. And they're not into it yet, but someday. I hope that that they will see the value in that and I want to come back real quick to, our, our [00:22:00] energy.

[00:22:00] So, so growing up a great example, right before I understood, who I, this is still so new. Like, I'm like a baby in this, this information, but I can't tell y'all how many times. Man, growing up, well, first of all, growing up I was told a lot. Sloan, you're too much. You need to dial it down. You're too loud.

[00:22:19] Be quiet. My report card, every report card. My sister gets these glaring, A excellent model student. There might have been a little resentment back there, but but mine always said the same crap. Sloan talks too much. Well, okay, I'm, girl, I'm a projector, but I don't know this yet. Not on the playground.

[00:22:40] Anytime somebody got hurt, if there was an incident, I am on it. Like I am the mother hand. I'm going to help Susan get up and get the blood off of her pants and walk her to the office. I mean, dodgeball, I will, I will never forget, all the kids throwing those balls, some kid goes down, I'm right in the middle, next thing I hear, Hey, [00:23:00] Sloan, I look up, ball right in my face, I, so, one last example, I was working for a retail company here in the area, helped open up a store, worked on a couple of different departments, I remember being called in for the first time I was called into the human resources department.

[00:23:18] There was a conflict and there was a woman, one of my colleagues, one of my peers, every single time I've tried to be helpful. This is across my entire life. I have done things. I have acted from a place of pure place. I thought of just wanting to be helpful often. I'm trying to be helpful as part of my design without being invited, right?

[00:23:45] Being helpful without being invited has cost me money. It's cost me time. It's cost me relationships. It's cost me jobs. It cost me housekeepers. [00:24:00] I mean, every time I have done things out of alignment, out of alignment, jumped on, this is a good idea. I could be really helpful here. Anyway, coming back to the job thing.

[00:24:13] I remember I was called in because my being helpful was misunderstood as Wanting to steal a sale basically and it got really bad and it was I won't go into all the details But it was the first time I'd ever heard somebody say to me my manager Let me write anything I said Sloan not everybody is going to like you Sloan Not everybody is gonna want or need or ask for you to be helpful And even then like that went deep And I was like, what do you mean?

[00:24:47] I'm a party in the box. Like, I'm your friend. What do you mean not everybody's going to like me? That was like so, that was like so revealing. But not until this work is, it's all making sense. [00:25:00] Like I'm going back over my lifetime, almost 60 years. That's just unbelievable. I'm going back over my lifetime right now, and I am connecting the dots of how many times I made decisions and acted out of alignment, not in alignment with who I am and how I am wired and what it has cost me.

[00:25:22] So anyway, come back to thank you for that on the energy test real quick. Do you know the percentages of people on the planet? Like, reflectors are like the smallest percentage of people on the planet, right? It's very small. Do you happen to have those numbers and know what those numbers are? Roughly, just from memory, from memory the generator bucket, which includes manifesting generators and generators is about 70%.

[00:25:51] Okay. Yeah. 70%. And it's about split half and half. The projectors are about 20%. [00:26:00] Manifestors are nine and Reflectors are one. I think that math adds up to 100. Roughly. Roughly. Yeah, yeah. And then can you, can you speak to ego projected projector that I still don't completely understand that what I do know and I keep hearing when people hear people who would know this work and they hear this about me, they're like, Whoa, I've never met anybody like you actually.

[00:26:25] Oh, you're the first person I get to work with that has this design. Can you speak to that just for a second for the listener? Okay. Yeah, because I wanted to actually talk about a number of elements of your chart, if that's all right with you, because I feel like it would be really, I think it would be really helpful for people to know why it's, it's so correct, right?

[00:26:47] Why it's, why it was inevitable. for you to do the work that you're doing, right? Why you do this work, why it pulled you in, why you're drawn to it, and the benefit that you [00:27:00] bring to others, okay, in a very unique way that no other vocal coach can bring. And I understand it even more in preparing for this session with you in the context that we were going to be talking about.

[00:27:11] Oh, yeah. Well, what does this have to do with, with the voice and vocal coaching? Right. Bring us back to the whole title. What the heck is human design? And what does it have to do with voice? We're finally there. We did it. Really quickly. I, I want to, I want to respond to the, to this. This thing that happened in the retail with you, it has to do with your profile lines.

[00:27:34] So this is another level, again, of human design, which is what's called sort of your costume in life and your profile lines. So you're a 5'3 so the 5 is someone that's recognized in, and this is the conscious energy. You recognize that you can actually help someone else. Okay? You can help them. And, but you're also a projector.

[00:27:57] So unless you're recognized. [00:28:00] In advance of having something of being of your help being invited right of being needed in this moment, people are going to respond the way that they responded. They're going to resist and reject, right? And these are some of the most empowering things to take away when you learn your design because you start to understand the energetic dynamic because all this is, is energy, right?

[00:28:25] Going back to the whole secret idea. It's all about energy, energetic frequency. Absolutely. And the other thing I want to point out on the five is what happens is others, when they are in your presence, project onto you. So if they are in a really good place, they're going to project on all that goodness.

[00:28:44] If they're in a bad place, they're going to be triggered by you because you're just, it's just your presence and there's nothing you can do about it. So you just have to be aware and know that it's not you. It's them. I mean, if you're out of alignment, you might be contributing to it, [00:29:00] right? So you have to always be watching that, but I just wanted to bring up just the power of even knowing that one little thing about profile lines.

[00:29:07] Right. It's super empowering. So, so let's talk about this whole ego projected projector because I remember, okay, when I discovered this about you, I thought, Oh my God, this is a, what a struggle it must have been. Like I finally understood why, why you created, but not created, why you always were getting in trouble.

[00:29:35] Chaos. That is hard. Frank, well, I just, I want to talk about a couple of your activations because it really is about, about, and your energy centers. here you are a projector.

[00:29:48] And you have defined ego and the reason why it's, and this is what makes you so rare. It's less than half a percent that has been tracked in terms of this [00:30:00] ego projected projector. So extremely rare. And when you think about this defined ego, the ego is actually the will center, right? It's willpower. It's desire.

[00:30:12] It is. I can make promises. I can commit. I can follow through. Okay. Now, then you're a projector and a five, three, right? I have the answer. I can rescue, right? I can solve this person's problem. Let me run in. You have to, you always have to be fighting that impulse. And that's recognizing the urge. So it's like this oxymoron here.

[00:30:39] You have all this power. In your body and yet you're not allowed to unleash it and until it's recognized now you can unleash it for yourself when you write, you recognize what makes you happy, right? Going to the lake, right? Doing your podcast, right? But when it comes to engaging and interacting with [00:31:00] others, you will waste your power if you're trying to support someone when they have not recognized you.

[00:31:07] And I'm sure a lot of people haven't recognized your role in their life yet. Right? Recognize also connected to being invited. Recognizing and being asked. So the reason why, so I'm glad you brought that up because these words, I think some of the words can be very jargony in the world of human design.

[00:31:26] And the way to think about recognition and being invited is, they say it's about the big decisions, but it's kind of this constant. It's a sense of, like the right, the correct invitations for you are the invitations that are unique to you, okay? It's someone who doesn't just say, we need just, we just need a vocal coach to show up tomorrow.

[00:31:51] It's we need a vocal coach that does these things that you do. Like that's where the correct invitation is, where the projector is [00:32:00] uniquely recognized for their gifts because they're very gifted and that's why they often get very frustrated about it. Well, their, their telltale sign is, is actually bitterness and resentment when people don't notice what they have to offer.

[00:32:14] Because we live in a generator world of doing, a lot of busyness and a lot of doing. And this can make someone feel very bitter and resentful until they find their way, until they find their human design and start to use it. Correctly. And then they start to see this was the correct invitation. This was the correct invitation.

[00:32:33] This one, no. No wonder I was so unhappy there. So, so, what, the other thing I want to point out about your design, Sloan. Game changer. Totally. The, the defined will, this is extremely important. Okay? Listen up, everybody. Thank you. Yes. Only 35%

[00:32:55] of humanity [00:33:00] has defined ego. Okay. This is the source of self worth, confidence, commitment, promises, willpower. Now, look at how we're conditioned in this world. Got to be confident, got to, got to brag, got to be out there being big and showing everyone who I am. Got to have my face everywhere. I mean, the way we're conditioned in this world, is so not supportive for the 65 percent of us, like myself, who do not have defined will.

[00:33:30] Okay. When we are in the presence of someone with defined will, so this is where you can be really helpful to your clients Sloan. When, when people are in your presence and they do not have defined will, they feel stronger and more supported. Because they're, they're borrowing your will. When they leave session with you though, they have to remember who they are, right?

[00:33:53] Because it could be a real thing. So for example, I have a client who is a [00:34:00] manifester with defined will, okay? And I have to watch making promises to her or commitments. When I'm in her presence, because I want to, I want to make her happy, because I also have undefined zoloflexis. So again, the conditioning creeps in.

[00:34:15] I have to remind myself, are you, are you really making this promise because your sacral is responding to this? Affirmatively, or are you stuck in your conditioning of wanting to make a promise because you're borrowing her will center? Do you see that? I'm saying how the energies work. So you're very supportive again, putting the puzzle together.

[00:34:38] And when I think about, sorry, I'll just finish this one thought. So much of your vocal work to me, and I really hope this doesn't come across as diminishing at all because I think it's the greatest use of it. is it's healing. It's healing work. It's supportive work. You have this unique. First of all, your son sign.

[00:34:58] It's you. You were born at [00:35:00] the hold on the right angle across of the vessel of love. Okay. So you are here with your gate 10, which is all about self love and this is what you're modeling for others. Okay. And your gate 10, it's off of your G center. This is what people get to experience in your presence is this is what self love looks like.

[00:35:18] This might actually be triggering for people who, who have undefined will, who have undefined self. Do you see what I'm saying? How it starts to work. It's that puzzle again. Where people are conditioned and they don't know their design and they don't know how to work their energy. They actually could be put off by your confidence, right?

[00:35:38] Your love and your, and your presence because it's just too much for them. But anyway, so I'll just, I'll just leave it at that. There's just so many things in your design and then I have to bring you back. This is going to be a two part. So, listening audience I'm so glad we're so glad that you are here.

[00:35:58] This is actually part one. [00:36:00] I'm, I'm saying it now of two parts. We are going to come back with more on this because it's so huge. It's, it's just a huge thing and, and what I want just to, to kind of bring this to a close, that me understanding how I'm wired. How I make decisions. How I affect other people.

[00:36:21] I'm really, the clients that have come through that you're just this year, they say, yeah, yeah, yeah, I want to do this. I'm so in, I'm going to do your 12 week thing. And then I don't hear from them again. And I go back and I'm understanding, it had nothing to do with me. There either was a trigger or, and I love what you say, when they're with me, when we're together in that one on one or in groups.

[00:36:46] Oh my gosh, I had a group yesterday. Almost 200 young women in an auditorium together. Me on the stage doing my thing and 200 girls. I'm trying to get up and moving. Wow. It was like, I was just so in my dharma. It was [00:37:00] amazing. Took a little extra effort to get everyone going, but, but we did it. But my point is, I'm looking back and understanding and, and the biggest thing for me, because we all want to be liked and loved.

[00:37:11] Right. But the biggest thing for me is just really, when it doesn't work out, it, unless if I was, like you said, I was out of alignment, it really has nothing to do with me and how I affect people. And so much of this unconscious, we aren't even aware of a lot of this stuff when it's going down. And what has helped me like literally just this year alone in the last nine months.

[00:37:36] It's so funny. We're almost on 10 months, the gestation of a human child in 10 months. I feel like I have given birth to a lot of things. I've given birth to a new me. I've given birth to how I operate with myself and with others. Like I literally, I had another baby at almost freaking 60 years old. It's a, I mean, the trajectory is so different [00:38:00] because all of a sudden what I do with my profession, my practice.

[00:38:04] Has gotten so much more fun. Like I'm having, I've been doing this almost 25 years. I'm having more fun right now than I have ever had. I absolutely adore the clients that I am working with. Those of you who are listening, you know who I'm talking about how I make decisions and move forward. I, my, what I say yes to what I say, no, not right now.

[00:38:24] Not the right time, maybe later. It's just, there's no, I don't have to think and worry and stew. It's just like, I make decisions from my heart, right? It's all about, what does my heart say? Is it light and open and expansive or am I constricting and we've, we've, we've heard plenty about decisions I've made out of alignment that I'm still paying a price for but we won't go there.

[00:38:47] So Stacy, this has been absolutely amazing. We did not even get to podcasting stuff. Next episode that we do together. Part two it's going to be a podcast for podcasters specific. Please tell. If people want to learn [00:39:00] more if they want to know about human design, if they want to work with you, where, where can people find you?

[00:39:06] Where, what do you have for the, the audience today? Oh, thank you so much. Yeah. Thank you, Sloan. Yeah. People can find me at tobeauthentic. co, C O, okay? A really great way to start is to get a superpowers and kryptonite reading and it will give you the five dimensions that you need to know that will empower you to start living your design and start to track changes in your life, in your relationships.

[00:39:37] All we can do, we cannot change anyone else, right? We can only change ourself when we and seamlessly

[00:39:50] the rest of the world starts to work with you. It's just beautiful. So spot on. It's life changing. It's transformative. [00:40:00] So people can go pick up your stuff and I will put A lot of stuff that we've mentioned here today, you, the audience, I'm going to put some things in the show notes. I'll have hashtags.

[00:40:09] I'll have links to Stacy's stuff for you. And man, I'm just so grateful for you, the audience. Thank you. Keep tuning in, keep coming back. Amazing stuff on the horizon. Remember to. Inhale confidence all together. Let's do it together. Big breath in And let's exhale and let go of any doubt. And if you're a singer, my other saying keep calm Sing a song until next time


About the Show

Helping Women Access the Power of Their Voice So We Experience Living Our Best Life–Here and Now–In Everything We do!!

This podcast is dedicated to teaching you how to find your authentic voice, grow your confidence and unlock your potential creating life changing results. I share weekly tips, tricks, guest interviews, and over 2 decades of helping people just like you learn how to express themselves from a holistic and empowered space.